Samsung and HARMAN are leveraging their deep expertise in high speed connectivity and telematics to contribute back to the wireless networking  community by becoming a new board member of the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) following elections held May 11.

One of 46 members, Samsung and Harman will help lead the development and rollout of 5G technologies for automotive applications.  These include areas addressing the significant challenge associated with vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle to infrastructure (V2I or V2X) connectivity and communication such as wireless and cellular access networks, security, authentication, and anything else that’s required to create reliable access for cars to capture cloud content.

Founded in September 2016, the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) was created by major automakers and telecommunications companies to address society’s connected mobility and road safety needs with applications such as connected automated driving, ubiquitous access to services, and integration into smart cities and access to intelligent transportation. This creates the perfect opportunity to showcase the synergistic relationship of Samsung and HARMAN, particularly the automotive capabilities that have made HARMAN such a desirable brand for major automakers.

As a 5GAA member, Samsung will also help run joint projects for innovation and development of interoperability testing, large scale pilots and trial deployments for connected vehicles. The goal will be to fine tune end-to-end synergies that connect a person on the go with their car, their home, and any venue they may visit. There’s a growing demand to reimagine systems that drivers are now familiar with, such as navigation, hands-free calling and voice recognition, to include enhanced personalization, productivity, security and even analytics. All of this will require the cloud to offer better data management and updatability, and the 5GAA is the ideal outlet to perfect a cloud-based system for the connected car.

Automotive suppliers can no longer live in a bubble. It’s time to embrace the collaborative industry and work with our partners in telecommunications and cloud computing to refine the future of automotive infrastructure. We’re very proud to work with Samsung and as a result, the stellar talent of the 5GAA.