March has been an exceptionally exciting month here at HARMAN. Our celebrations of International Women’s Month encompassed inspirational stories across departments, geographies, cultures and continents. Campaigns and programs were successfully launched and executed in different markets where HARMAN is present, resulting into one strong voice advocating the need for a diverse and inclusive work culture. One such important campaign was developed by our team in India.
Through the hashtag #WonderfulWomenInSTEM, the team sought out female engineers in a strong workforce of over 9000 employees in India, and asked them to share their stories. The objective was to put a spotlight on women in STEM and what led them to a career in a field that still suffers from relatively weak female representation. Out of the many entries received, 10 stories were selected and given a platform through HARMAN India’s social media channels for the world to witness. The results were truly inspirational. Hundreds of followers - old and new, liked, shared and commented on these inspirational stories.
And as March winds down, we wanted to share these inspirational words one more time, because it is this generation of engineering talent that will inspire the next. Here are the top five stories from this campaign that resonated with our followers the most:

Manu Malhotra, Senior Director- Engineering, HARMAN:
“While some believe that ‘curiosity killed the cat’, I prefer adding- ‘but satisfaction brought it back!’ The process of trying to know things, experimenting and then solving problems around you is immensely gratifying. This is what compelled me to study engineering, a branch which is not just dedicated to understanding how things work but also creating options to overcome challenges. STEM is a perfect match for the eternally curious and the problem solvers. Engineering is especially interesting because you touch many lives through the technology you build, unlike many other professions.
I have been with HARMAN for nearly 10 years now and my advice would simply be to not let your curiosity or voice die down. Women solve problems at multiple fronts in their daily lives, so these skills come naturally to us. My advice to every woman is to persist with your ideas and influence people around you to take them forward.”

Shweta Khandelwal, Senior Engineer, HARMAN:
"I have gone through moments of self-doubt at different points in my life, but these moments are the ones that defined me. I was at a crossroads, like many other young students, trying to make the right decision for myself and those I cared about. Thanks to a mentor who pointed me in the direction of a STEM career, I found my calling. I’m blessed to count myself as one of the millions of women in India who have managed to break out of restraints and achieved financial independence. Working with HARMAN is no less than a dream come true. The company truly rewards honesty, hard work and determination, something every woman can tap into naturally.”

Ashwini Shamaprasad, Project Delivery Manager, HARMAN:
"I joined HARMAN five years back, straight after my maternity leave. I was pleasantly surprised to be assigned a high profile project as a new-recruit, coming back from a break. This cemented my faith in the company and in my own abilities to perform. Since then I have experienced some great successes and had an amazing learning curve. A lot of credit goes to HARMAN’s path breaking work and employee friendliness. I am naturally inclined to technology and wouldn’t trade this career for anything. Those who are thinking about pursuing STEM, my advice is to focus on learning new things above all, which will keep your enthusiasm and passion for work always alive."

Shweta Singh, Senior Manager-Product Development, HARMAN:
"I grew up in a small town, in a well-educated yet conservative family. But I was fortunate to have a supportive father, who was an engineer himself. He believed in me and fueled my dreams of pursuing a career in STEM. I was fascinated with technology from an early age, especially the way it’s changing our lives. We are the producer and the consumer of technological advances. There are plenty of opportunities in STEM that can align with your interest. You just need to explore and let your interest be your guide. And to the perennial challenge of balancing personal and professional life as a woman, HARMAN provides a fantastic working environment where we can effectively integrate life and work. I can’t wait to see what future of STEM at HARMAN holds for the world!"

Nupur, Technical Lead - Product Development, HARMAN;
“Every woman goes through different phases in life, she has to battle noise, both within and outside. Lucky are those who can quieten the noise and follow their calling. Being an engineer has always been a dream for me and I worked through everything to make it happen. The quality of work I do at HARMAN infuses me with great enthusiasm and energy. I am proud to be an independent woman, who can financially support everyone in my family along with enjoying every day at work. My advice to women everywhere is to give time to themselves, focus on the positive energies and surround themselves with empowering people. A career in STEM, at HARMAN, gives me a supportive and friendly environment leading to personal and professional fulfillment that no other organization offers. Sky is the limit here!”
While this is just a small sampling of the inspirational words our engineering talent has to share about their own professional journeys, new stories are being written here at HARMAN every day. To become a part of the HARMAN team yourself, take a look at our open opportunities here: Or for more inspirational and informational content on our work in India, follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.